Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Parenting in the Occupy Movement, or Give That Kid a Megaphone!

I haven't personally spent much time at any of the Occupy Protests, though I do support the Movement's general principles and aims.  In lieu of joining in the festivities (we're more Direct Action advocates, I suppose, though both hands are necessary in a revolution) Last Word has donated $200 worth of gift certificates to Occupy Olympia, as well as sent down some clothes and blankets. And any cold philosophically inclined Occupiers are welcome to come down and Occupy Last Word Books' armchair for some stimulating conversation and some hot tea.

I am amazed and entertained by how divided people are on the issue of protests and children... and how quick to judge folks can be. It's either scabies, child-porn pushing police, random jack-offs and I-Can't-Believe-You'd-Put-Your-Child-In-That-Sort-Of-Situation mentalities, or it's the dawn of a new age, with ten year old labor organizers and soapbox speakers spouting anti-capitalist rhetoric with the best of 'em before joining in the drum circle. I have one thing to say to you people: the world is not this black and white. Go down to the nearest Occupy Protest, take some food and a blanket and a good book and have a few conversations. That's how minds are changed.

In the meantime, here's some interesting links regarding parenting and the Occupy Movement:

"OCCUPY" PARENTING: How Parents Have Been Sharing Occupy Wall Street With Their Children

"Occupy" Movement Parents Forum Post (Anyone can change their mind)


Wisefather said...

You might like this direct action protest I took on my own. It is an example of another form protests can take other than camping out to occupy a physical space (i.e., better for parents ;)). I called my credit card's customer service line to do some negotiating. Having a bit of leverage, I thought it presented a great opportunity to mess with them a little and make a few points about the unfairness of the credit card lending system. I made a video of the call and posted it on my blog along with my comments about what happened, and a fuller director's cut transcript. It is quite funny even if you are pro-megabank. Since it's a protest at home, I called it my Kitchen Counterstrike Against Bank of America. http://www.ragingwisdom.com/?p=508

pay per head said...

Very interesting post. I think this advice can be very helpful for many people.