Monday, March 27, 2006

Rad Dad #3 is out!

My cyber buddy and fellow pirate papa Tomas down in Berkeley just got the 3rd installment of Rad Dad printed! Shoot him off an e-mail and he'll tell you how to order some copies to distribute in your community. Ideally getting more physical papa zines such as this one out there in circulation will eventually influence more and more fathers to talk about their lives openly and begin to help heal the disconnect we're all feeling.



Anonymous said...

Hay Papa!

I was siked to get my rad dad #3 - tomas is a wonderful new zine friend.

DID you get my package of zines I send a while back? I finally got them together to send. Now I am remember I send them and wondering.. did I send them to the right place?

your writing is so wonderful - for real - its really beautiful. I am totally identifying with the voice of the radical and poetical papa movement.

Take Care,
The Future Generation

Anonymous said...

Just got it and enjoyed your writing as usual. I also just got a copy of future generation and really enjoyed that too. Great work Pirate Papa, Thomas and China. I am inspired.

The Tiny Revolution

Anonymous said...

Just got it and enjoyed your writing as usual. I also just got a copy of future generation and really enjoyed that too. Great work Pirate Papa, Thomas and China. I am inspired.

The Tiny Revolution