Saturday, December 17, 2005

I have been spreading the Pirate Papa word amongst the brave peoples of Olympia these past two weeks. Overall response has been excellent. Several staunch republicans shook my hand today before we debated our differing viewpoints of war. Many fathers have thanked me and promised to write something but I have yet to receive any submissions. I am very glad to see a few comments popping up here and there, even if I do know the commentators. I really believe strongly in this project and wish I had more energy to devote to it. But that's why I need submissions! So please, get the word out to any fathers you may know, old, young, the whole gambit. I want to make this site a solid resource for any troubled fathers seeking answers to their questions or support for their conflicting tangled emotions.

Tomorrow I will drive across Washington state to Walla Walla with my girls in a fat lincoln continental courtesy of an inside hookup at Enterprise. Definitely not my style. I may dress up for the occasion. We will spend three days there working on books and playing at my mother's house and father's bookstore. I love going there with them at this age because we just walk around and I tell them stories about the place and show them the things I remember from my youth and adolescence. I know that not all of it is sinking in but the practice for later feels good. Driving long distances with Lyli and Scarleht hasn't presented much of a problem yet, they seem to settle into the rhythms of the road and relax and look out the windows. As long as I am attentive to their basic needs, diaper, food, water, etc., everything's peachy. Hope White Pass is passable.

1 comment:

Amos said...

It's too bad I didn't catch this post sooner! You are perhaps on the road already. I'm at my house in the Tri-Cities baking apple pies. 12 pies so far, and it still looks like I've made no dent in the apple supply. You could have driven through and picked up a few apple pies!

Good luck with the road trip!

I'm really glad that you've undertaken this particular project (Pirate Papa), Sky. I think that the submissions will surface soon.
Please give my love to the ladies!